Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One of the Most Important Things I Ever Learned Was In Dance Class...And I was a TERRIBLE Dance Student

I told someone the other day that I took dance for 9 years and I felt like a liar.
I mean I wasn't lying.
I did take dance for 9 years - ballet & tap for 7 and jazz as well for 2 of those.
But I am no ballerina.
That last sentence just made me laugh out loud, in fact.
The truth is...
I was never a good dance student.
I was not naturally gifted at movement nor was I graceful. In fact, I can assure you that my family still laughs at the association of the word "graceful" with my name.
However, I can't help but look back now on all of those Tuesday-Thursday dance classes I took for 9 years and think of how much 2 things stand out still today: the birthday-cake like, ornate beautiful costumes...

I think everybody takes something from all the things they try when they're young.
You just have to.
Because if you're an inquisitive kid, you'll try a lot - either in a classroom or on your own "in the field".
And the lessons learned, the progress made, the times you fell down
(in my case, literally, ALL the times I fell down and in a few cases had to get stitches, thank you very much)--are what you are left with.
Juicy morsels of what you accidentally learned while NOT becoming a prima ballerina or a star athlete or an Olympic ice skater.

So, yes, I learned how crucial STRETCHING is.
I say stretching because I realize now how important stretching is on both a physical and emotional level. In dance class, we began every class with a series of stretching exercises and oh-how I hated it!
It hurt.
It wasn't comfortable!
It didn't feel like my limbs were supposed to do those things.
But, physically, stretching is meant to keep you strong and limber and it does.
And as you grow up, you realize that stretching is important emotionally too. You have to be willing to bend, to open your heart and mind, learn new things, and be flexible - both for yourself and for others. But sometimes it hurts and it's uncomfortable and it doesn't feel like it's supposed to feel like this.
I really wish I had continued to start every day with stretching. I think that might be why so many people pick up yoga and Pilates and calisthenics as they get older.
We remember that we used to stretch! Whether it was in a dance class or on a playground or for soccer or football or cheerleading or what have you.
I now stretch almost every day. Personally, I like Pilates. But it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt sometimes. Because sometimes it hurts and is uncomfortable and can be challenging.
But I'm glad I do it because I know I'm better off for it now and I know I'll be thanking myself for it when I'm 90.
And probably when I'm 90, I'll look back and realize the lessons I'm learning now.
I'll tell you, though, it's hard when you're stretching through it.
But I remember Miss Paula telling me to exhale on the stretch and inhale on the release.
Ah, yes, much better...