Monday, April 20, 2009

"Dawn's Guide to Life" - I didn't even know I had one until I found it!!

Last week I opened one of my songwriting notebooks from 2007 only to find something I didn't even know I was looking for.
Written in blue magic marker on a pink sheet of paper, I found "Dawn's Guide To Life".
I didn't even know I had a "guide to life"! I laughed to myself and thought "oh, this oughtta be good"!
You know what? It was. But not in the sarcastic way I thought.
It's EXACTLY what I needed to read at that exact moment and it was written by me, no less.
I love finding new books, quotes and theories, written by people from all walks of life, that inspire me. So to find something that inspired me that I had written and didn't even recall was well, a little gift.
It was a little like finding a time capsule, that you didn't remember burying when you were 7 years old, and unearthing it when you're planting a new flower bed.
Anyway, I've already shared it with a couple of you, but, I decided I needed to share it with anyone else who might benefit from it too! I'm even putting it on both of my blogs!
I hope you enjoy! Some of the thoughts are my own, some are from friends and some are general knowledge but I like them all together like this.
And please add on if you have any "guides to life" yourself! We're all learning as we go...

Dawn's Guide To Life
1. Never doubt yourself.
2. Always trust your 1st instinct - it's usually best & rarely wrong.
3. Ask for what you want and believe you shall receive.
4. What would the 3 year old you, 13 year old you, &/or 23 year old you think of ____________ (who you are, how you treat people, whatever you're doing, or what you're trying to decide) now?
5. Progress is better than perfection.
6.You will do more for yourself than anyone else will ever do for you.
7. Don't be tentative - EVER!!
8. I BELIEVE IN YOU!! (even when it might feel like no one else does)
9.You have a purpose and a calling in this place. Do it or if you don't know yet, find it!
10. You are GOOD, life is GOOD & God/ the Universe is GOOD, thus expect that GOOD will come to you!

Now if I can only practice what I preach, er, write to myself.
Well, you know what they say, practice makes perfect. Ahem, I MEAN
Practice makes progress!

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